Here are some common questions about the WaveRez and Wherewolf integration. Please reach out to for further questions.
How long does it take to get started with Wherewolf?
This depends on Wherewolf and your communication with them. It can be simple and easy (a few days) or more in-depth and complicated depending on what your needs are and if you stay in communication with them. They do require final verification of the setup even after integration is completed on WaveRez's side. Please be on the lookout for their emails.
Can Wherewolf send waivers by text message?
Yes. This is an additional fee for this service with them, and we do not have information on this. Please contact Wherewolf for more information. WaveRez does not send out waiver links via SMS.
Wherewolf gave me a general link for guest to fill out their waivers. Why can't I use this in the marketing SMS on WaveRez?
You can use this for auto SMS purposes. However, this will not perform as the integration is intended. The waiver will be completed on Wherewolf but it will not be linked to the customers order in WaveRez or otherwise. You would have to verify on Wherewolf that the guest waivers are completed at check in. It's a manual process. If you setup SMS with Wherewolf, then the waiver links will be unique and linked to that order only, so you can easily use just WaveRez and see all guests that have completed waivers inside of the order overview while checking them in.
How long does Wherewolf take to send the waivers out?
From the time the order is created, it takes about 10 minutes for the email to be sent from Wherewolf to the customers email listed on the order. The waiver link is generated within minutes of order creation on WaveRez, where you can copy and send this via text or email through our system if faster speed is desired. It's located on the overview tab inside of an order.
My guest says they didn't get the waiver email from Wherewolf.
Please make sure you've allowed enough time for the email to be generated and sent. This happens on regular intervals from Wherewolf system after the order information is sent from WaveRez. Also check to make sure the email is typed correctly. Next, have the guest check their spam folder. If the email is being delayed for some reason, you can send it manually on the Daily or Hourly Manifest:
Why did my customer receive multiple emails for a waiver?
Wherewolf sends one waiver per trip. If your order has multiple equipments (for example, 2 jet skis) each piece of equipment is a different trip in a customers order. So this results in multiple emails being sent for each.
How can all the passengers fill out waivers if there's only one email?
Once the customer receives an email to fill out the waiver from Wherewolf, the first passenger will fill it out. At the end, Wherewolf has made it simple to share it with other passengers that need to complete it by providing a QR code that the other passengers can scan, or a link to share it with other people via text, email, or other sharing methods on your phone or computer. You can also complete the next passenger(s) by handing the device off to the next person. This is what it will look like:
I have a problem. How do I contact Wherewolf?
You can email wherewolf at They do not have a phone number, that we are aware of, for their support. You can chat with them from (bottom right hand corner), or you can visit their help center at
For general issues or questions that involve WaveRez, please reach out to us directly. Even if you're not sure, you can always come to us first and we will get you to the right person.
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